Mariah Burks

Mariah Burks* (MEG/ PROFESSION BAER) (she/ her) is a Cleveland, OH native. Previously at Dobama: AIRNESS (Nina). Her work has mainly been seen at Cleveland Play House, where she was most recently set to play the titular role of Antigone pre-pandemic. Other credits include; Clue: A New Comedy (The Cook); The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (Logainne). An alumni of the CWRU/CPH MFA Acting Program and a graduate of Bowling Green State University’s Musical Theatre Program, Mariah was the recipient of the National Irene Ryan Acting Award at the Kennedy Center(ACTF) in Washington, DC. Other regional and local theatre work includes: Caroline, or Change (Tantrum Theatre) and RAGTIME (Cain Park). Mariah also serves as Dobama Theatre’s Director of Engagement. Instagram: @magical_mariahb